Medicina Laboral de Venezuela C.A.


Medicina Laboral de Venezuela C.A. is a company dedicated to the areas of TRAINING, CONSULTING AND SERVICES according to LOPCYMAT.

Since the promulgation of reform of LOPCYMAT in 2005, there were several needs at the enterprise level. It was necessary to carry out occupational health assessments, form security and health services at work in enterprises (joint or own), legal counsel for businesses, orientation around the sanctions and penalties, training in the areas of health, safety and industrial hygiene for employers and employees and other matters arising.

Medical doctors, engineers, nurses, lawyers and other specialists have provided these services as natural or legal persons, many of whom have come together to strengthen our knowledge, efforts and provide nationwide services, constituting a national benchmark for safety and health at work.

In this company, liderizados by experts in the field, we provide all public and private entities who request these services.

The aim of the LOPCYMAT is to ensure workers conditions and prevention, health, safety and welfare at work. Every organization, be it civil, commercial or any other nature society is obliged to comply with the provisions of LOPCYMAT.


Working conditions

The law defines general and special conditions under which the execution of the tasks are performed: the organizational and functional aspects of enterprises and workplaces. Also the law (LOPCYMAT) includes in the definition of working conditions, ensuring the protection and safety of health and life against all dangerous processes that may affect their physical, mental and social health (external factors include the average work environment through influence on the worker).


Unsafe conditions

  • No guarantee workers the elements of basic sanitation (drinking water, bathroom, changing rooms and necessary conditions for food)
  • Not assure protection of motherhood, teenagers and people under special protection.
  • No immediate help to ensure the necessary medical care suffering injury or damage to health.
  • Failure to comply with the maximum working set in the laws or secure the effective enjoyment of rest and holidays.
  • Failure to comply with the information, education and training in health and safety at work.
  • Failure to reports, comments or orders issued by the competent authorities for the correction of failures, accident damage or any other situation affecting the safety or health of workers.

To request the services of Medicina Laboral de Venezuela C.A., click CONTAC.